This was originally going to be more elaborate, with rain and more colour, but I found that stripping the image down to as few elements as possible produced a more readable and eye-pleasing image. I was hesitant about using shadows, but I found that it kept things from looking too flat without being too distracting.

The fonts look pretty ghetto because I didn't want to dedicate any more time to this than I already had. I'm not happy with the picture, but at least it's done and it strikes off another WIP from my 2010 folder.
EDIT: I've decided that the issues MySoti is currently dealing with make them unsuitable for my needs. I'm currently re-evaluating different services for t-shirts and other merch.
I wrote and recorded a quick song demo. Listen if you want and comment if you feel inclined. Time was of the essence so the playing and recording quality wasn't the best, I just needed to get the rhythm down so I wouldn't forget it. I used the mics built into a Zoom H4N to record myself playing an unplugged Gretsch 5120 with my fingers.
Trying, Lying, Killing, Dying (demo) by Citizen Tang
Watching: Little Big Man by Arthur Penn
Re/Reading: Eric Clapton Audiobiography Listening to: Mountain Man - Made the Harbour, Ryan Adams - Cardinals III/IV, First Aid Kit - The Big Black and The Blue
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