I had sketched most of the designs in one sitting and was pretty confident I could knock them all out in a timely fashion.Unfortunately like most of my plans, I got bogged down very early.
The London illustration in the previous post was a lot of work, but pretty straightforward and I feel it was a successful drawing.

Below are some photos I took of Dinan and St Malo in Brittany, France, which was my first experience of not being able to speak the native language.
Watching: Looper by Rian Johnson, Killing Them Softly by Andrew Dominik, Django Unchained by Quentin Tarantino, The Ides of March by George Clooney, Hannibal Buress: Animal Furnace
Reading: The Third Chimpanzee by Jared Diamond
Listening to: The Deep Dark Woods - Winter Hours, Whitehorse - Self Titled
Playing: Borderlands 2
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